Liabilities Conditions

Listed below are certain Liability Conditions, this is to ensure the clients (you) safety and covers all sensible precautions set out by us (Bootylicious MK) to ensure all procedures/treatments are of the safest, highest standard and all medical conditions both old and new of yours (the client) are passed onto us for consideration befoer starting any treatments.

If any conditions or pre-existing conditions are not disclosed to us (Bootylicious MK) when accepting to start or continue treatments we/us (Bootylicious MK) are not liable for any occuring problems due tho this non disclosure.

About You
It your legal and moral responsibility to confirm you are over the age of 18 before receiving any treatments from Bootylicious MK.   If you have any health issues, allergies or on heavy medication then please contact us prior to booking so we can assess your situation and offer safe solutions or alternatives.

For safety reasons we cannot allow pregnant or breast feeding mothers to start or continue any of our treatments therefore, if you are pregnant or breast feeding you MUST disclose this fact.

We do not offer refunds unless there are extenuating circumstances, each request/case for a refund will be dealt with on a circumstances and individual basis.

If for any reason you wish to cancel an appointment you must give at least 5working days notice to allow us to refill your appointment but, as with above we do understand there sometimes are extenuating circumstances.

Late arrivals
If you feel you may be late for your appointment (more than 10 minutes is late) then please contact us immediately to let us know so we can either change or accomodate your appointment.

Length of Sessions/Treatments
An exact time cannot be immediately given upon booking or upon starting treatments as this can depend on many factors…

  • Health
  • Lifestyle
  • Existing conditions
  • Skin types
  • and so on

However your treatment specialist will endeavour to discuss this with you at your appointment and give you an accurate as possible time period based on having all the relevent information to hand.

Results cannot be gauranteed, again for many factors, age, skin type, medical conditions, type of treatment you may previously had and so on but your Bootylicious MK treatment specialist will aim to accurately convey details on expected results at each session and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Children and Animals
We politely request that you do not bring children or pets with you to any sessions/appointments, this is for safety, insurance and liability reasons, there are of course animal exceptions such as seeing eye dogs but please check before coming to your appointments.

All prices on either our website, social media accounts or in print are correct at time of press but can be subject to change at any time.

Multiple course/session discounts and packages
YES, we offer discounts for certain procedures, multiple sessions booked and so on but please check at times of booking and please do not be afraid to ask, we are here to help.

Competitions and special offers
Any competitions or special offers will be listed on both our social media platforms and will have an expiry date or period of time these should be used.

Hours of business
Hours can vary from week to week depending on length of booked consultations/appointments but generally we run 6 days a week and averagely from 9am-5pm but please check first before booking.

If you have any questions regarding these liablity conditions or anything on our website or social media then please get in touch by using the details on our site or by using the contact details by CLIKING HERE, thank you.

© PURE LUX Aesthetics 2020 – ® ALL Rights Reserved